Thinking Readers

There is a difference between people who can read and people who THINK while they read. Parents always want to show-off with their child's reading level which is often obtained by doing a reading fluency test. But, who cares, what you can read, if while you are reading you are not thinking! I have come up with a list of questions to consider when talking with someone else about a book. Whether you are both reading it together or you are just wanting to know more. Sometimes the thing that is Good2Know is really what question to ask!

  •   What do you think would happen in the sequel to this book? 
  •   Would you enjoy reading other books by this author?
  •   If you had the chance to meet the author of this book, what would you say?
  • Have you ever experienced the same events or feelings that the main character did? Describe those feelings. 
  • If you were the main character, what would you have done differently in the story?
  • How would the story change if it took place in our town?
  • What made the book interesting? 
  • Is the character someone you’d like to have as a friend? Why or why not?
  • If you were the author how would you have changed the ending? The beginning? Which other events would you have changed? 
  • Did the story turn out the way you thought it would? Why or why not? 

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