Don't Be a Worry Wart!

It's easier said than done. We tell kids all the time to stop worrying, but their worlds are full of worry. Some of the worry is just who they are. Some of the worry, we give to them. You know...

Don't worry about the cars in the parking lot, but be careful you don't get hit. Don't run! Hold my hand! You're too short to be seen by that car. 

Don't worry about who is picking you up, but do you know who is picking you up? Be outside right at 3pm. What do you mean you're not allowed to come out right at 3? I'll be late, if you are not there. Don't make me late!

For many kids, it is easy to talk through worries or typical childhood fears (like the fear of lightning) just seem to work themselves out. However, for lots of kiddos, they need help to understand anxiety and to learn how to cope. 

I recently stumbled on these worry cards which were designed for use with kids on the Autism Spectrum. I think you might be able to use them with your kids. Play the game - What Would You Do? 
You can then make some additional cards with the worries of your own child.
It's a start and it's Good2Know!

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