July 4th Celebration

Celebrate our nation and our freedom with a neighborhood freedom parade! When I was younger, I spent many Fourth of July's in Fond du Lac, WI. There we would join in the reservation's parade. Our family, never one to sit idly on the sidelines, literally joined in. We donned large cardboard costumes wrapped around us and decorated like a firecracker complete with pipe cleaners coming out of our heads. My parents wore their Statue of Liberty and Uncle Sam costumes, respectively. Each year, no matter our theme, we won best in the parade!

Not quite ready for a parade this year? Why not take the family on a walk and celebrate your freedom to go anywhere! Decorate your yard with mini American flags, download patriotic tunes to play (and sing) all day, make flag cookies or decorate t-shirts with your favorite American symbols or freedoms! It's important before we head to a BBQ or fireworks show to remember what we're celebrating and why it's great to live in the USA!

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