BIG Idea: New Uses for Old Games and Toys

I love to find multiple uses for games and toys. Last week, my daughter and I were looking for something to do. She wanted to play something and I secretly wanted her to use her "school skills." Soon, her brother joined in, too. We took our Memory game (ours is by DK and has photos of real objects.) We determined we would categorize the cards into only 3 piles. The challenge was on - what categories should we do? The kids decided living creatures, things and vehicles. They began to sort predicting how many would end up in each pile. Once done, my future first grader counted by twos to determine how many really were in each pile. She then recorded each on paper. Her brother determined he wanted to organize the cards somehow (okay, I confess - I asked how could they be organized) and he decided to alphabetize them. Each child worked on a pile, quietly singing the ABC's under their breath. An easy task for big brother, my daughter used those "school skills" and both had fun with an old game they rarely play anymore as packaged. Try thinking outside the box with the toys on your shelf.

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