BIG Idea: Clean-up with Kids

Here's a BIG idea with to do with your kids and get the house organized at the same time! Set out baskets or containers labeled for each room in the house across your family room floor. Also, set out a box marked "think about" and "outta here." Then, put on your favorite hits from the 1980's and get your clean-up groove on. Go room by room and hand the kids items that belong elsewhere. They must race to the bins and place the item in the correct bin. Then, they boogie back to you. Once, items are placed, carry the bin to the room where it belongs making it simple to put away. If you come across items that are no longer used, place them in the "outta here" bin to donate. If your child (or let's be honest, you) cannot part with an item, put it in the "think about" bin and save for a few months in the garage or basement. I bet they'll have no problem moving it to the "outta here" bin from there. My kids and I do this regularly. They think it is a great race and dance party while I burn some calories and end up with a clean house!

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